The Corn Belt Almanac

The Corn Belt Almanac


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The Corn Belt Almanac is a collection of stories, essays, triumphs, and reflections about our largest cultural ingredient: food. This 3rd installment of The Head & The Hand’s almanac series is also the one most akin to the genre’s original intent-- harvesting the year’s best and most thoughtful agricultural moments and bounding them up for you, Courteous Readers, to explore how we eat, how we grow, and how we sustain our families and communities.

While generally considered a particular region of the country, our Corn Belt is nationwide. Included within the pages of this almanac are writers from across the country, side to side and top to bottom, pondering the changes, trends, surprises, frustrations, and dreams that comprise their palettes. In the face of mass-produced food and an overwhelming reliance on machinery and technology, modern agriculture is shifting dramatically from the hay bales and seedlings of the past. The writers and artists represented in this almanac are all bound together by the common question: how will we feed our towns, our cities and ourselves in a rapidly changing economy and climate?

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